Recent conferences

ESA 2024

Find me at the Ecological Society of America Meeting 2024 in Long Beach, CA where I will help organize the Special Session Towards equity in the communication of science: harnessing the power of AI for an inclusive tomorrow. I will also be giving a talk about my work in my native language (Spanish) titled: ¿Qué herramientas ayudan ante el cambio? Physiological tolerances as a tool to assess butterfly vulnerability to climate change

ESA Great Lakes Regional Conference 2024

Not only did I have the opportunity to participate in the planning committee for the ESA Great Lakes Conference 2024 as the program director, but I also got to present my current work on thermal physiology of butterflies in Ohio.

ESA 2023

At the Ecological Society of America meeting 2023 I got to present my ongoing work on butterfly thermal physiology, as well as serve as the organizer of an Inspire session focused on the experiences of the Latine community of ecologists.

Poster presentation

Presenting my work on thermal physiology of butterflies at the poster session.

Inspire Session

Introducing the awesome speakers at the Inspire session.